Digital MarkEthics Successfully Places Intern from First Internship Program

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Digital MarkEthics proudly shares the placement of Sugandha after her internship program. She has joined Digital MarkEthics as Digital Marketing Associate. She completed her training at UDiGiMe and then she joined the internship program of DME to get some hands-on experience. 

 Digital MarkEthics has organized the internship for 9 interns who want to start their careers in digital marketing. Sugandha was one of them and she has done marvelous performance during her tenure of the internship. As a result, the company has offered her a job so that she can continue to shine. 

Sugandha was working with different leading companies like Onida,, Euro Cosmetics, and wTVision in the field of business development, marketing, merchandising, and key account management since 2011. She took a 4 year-long break for personal reasons. After her career break, she switched from traditional marketing to digital marketing. She said; “The internship program of DME has helped me a lot. It gives me practical experience in how to utilize the tools and implement the knowledge. The learning experience was very exciting for me. All the team members are very cooperative and support.”

For her dedication, knowledge, and sincerity along with outstanding performance throughout the internship program; she was offered the job. Sugandha said; “It is a great opportunity for me to learn new things and implement them. I got the confidence at DME to restart my career after the break. I love the positive energy of the company. Thank your DME for giving me this opportunity.”


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